The Circlr of Life~ The Lion King
Part of Your World~ The Little Mermaid
Whatever you strive for in life, one thing remains the same, one important thing, that is, you must be willing to open your heart to others; the funny thing abt the heart is that the more you opens yours up the more it fills, it fills with power, more power than one has ever seen that makes miracles happen.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Friday, May 25, 2012
The Hierarchy of Human Needs ~ Maslow’s Law (written by sifu)
In year 1988~ i desire to gain cooperation from more intellectuals~ owing to the fact that most of these universities students were demanding for nothing but the truth with supportive facts ~ (they were sharp and precise thinkers, were normally very stubborn and only glued onto their own ways of thinking)~ thus, it wasn’t easy to influence and lead these intellectuals~ since I was not as highly educated as they were~ and most of them will look down on people who are not educated~ I had trouble communicating with them even when obvious facts were presented.
,I strongly believe that Amway in the form of a private franchising business has a tremendous future and is definitely a golden opportunity to be grabbed~ however, even the most successful entrepreneurs and professionals don’t have the ability to commit themselves (they don’t have the wisdom to see through it~ and they don not have a vision into the future of theamazing business)~ what more to say about the fresh graduates? ~ who only learnt from text books in school~ so how was it possible for them to own suchpowerful thoughts and abilities?~
Therefore~ in order to give them a clearer picture of life and for the sack of setting up a new life orientation for them in the shortest period of time~ I formulated a scientific theory in logical empiricism which comprises of different stages of life including education~ occupation and retirement~ by applying the Law of Conservation of Mass~ ~ with our rapid evolution of this century~ the success of the conversion of 3 impactful eras ~ the flexibility of the 3 dimensional world~ And~ the powerful concepts applied in Maslow's law ~together they form ~ a clearer picture of the erupting future of Amway’s market~
Yet, after explaining to 2000+ strangers~ only 3 of them who scored averagely in class and were at that time, 19 years old, saw the potential of this business~ the 1st who joined wasa student from Tar College~ currently having a yearly business turnover of approximately 200 Million ringgit~ the 2nd to join was a student from an outstanding college who now owns a business volume of 20 million ringgit ~ the 3rd was from KDU college and is currently in possession of a monthly business volume that add up to 40k-50k ringgit~ 23 years since then~ the other graduatesare mostly stuck in jobs and never had the guts to start up their own business~the small amount who did are being caught up in their small businesses~
23 years ago~ spoke to 2000+ strangers about Maslow’s Law~ due to their age~ their youthful ignorance did not permit them to understand the message I intended to convey~ they didn’t have thevision~ the wisdom~ they never understood the very fundamental concept ofsuccess~ that is~ ~living in the future~ work hard now~~
Years back, i shared this amazing concept of Maslow’s Law with over 2000 strangers~ and~ today, I shall review this hidden treasure to the public~~ The Maslow’s Law and The Hierarchy of Human Needs ~~
Alright, let’s start by analyzing our previous generation ~ our parents~
Were our parents working very hard back then? ~ They leave home early before dawn and reach home after the sun was swollen up by the western horizon~why do they have to work restlessly? ~ isn’t it obvious? They did it just tofight for an increment of their salary~ to use the money on investments on shares and properties ~to earn more money~ and eventually owns a passive income~ that can give them a sense of security in life~ However, due to the lack of sustainable capital, most of our parents did not achieve their initial goals~that is~ to earn~ a Passive Income~
And so, as days went by, they see little and no hope to realize their dreams ~~ they then saw a large portion of the intellectuals ~ living a better life as compared to them~and because humans are creatures which always hope for the best~ our parents finally came to a conclusion that education brings hope and served as a vehicle to a better lifestyle~ that is why when we were still a kid, our parents brought us to school without us even knowing why~ it’s because they knew that~ only through education~ our fate can be changed~ they knew that via good education, we can apply for a better position at work/job~and receive a higher pay~ at least, we weren’t following their footsteps that led them to misery~ thank goodness~
However,our educated friends doesn’t seem to be aware of the fact that they were slowly walking into a real world of the hierarchy of human needs of Maslow’s Law~ let’s begin our journey to investigate and discuss about the real life challenges a fresh graduate will face in the working society~
The lowest level in the pyramid of the hierarchy of human need (Maslow’s Law) is ~ The Basic Living Requirements
With the help of a certificate, a fresh graduate can easily apply for an 8 hours job and work for 20-25days ~ despite of all the hard work and effort they’ve put in, the company only pays them a salary in the range of rm1800-3200 ~ and that is how they meet their Basic Living Requirements~ which allows them to pay for all their basic necessity ~ ~90% of the fresh graduates are stuck in this very fundamental level of the hierarchy pyramid~ and eventually, they got used to the life of waiting~ waiting for their pay cheque~ waiting for an increment in salary~ waiting for their yearly bonuses~
There’re of course, some of them who refuse to be trapped in their lives, waiting for others to feed them~they desire a better lifestyle~ therefore, to full fill their needs~ let us introduce a new set of theory into the next level of the hierarchy pyramid~ this is an amazing physiological breakthrough of a research done by a very successful modern economist, S.W.LAW.~according to a success rule~ time=money ~as a result, apart from the 8 hours job we’ve discussed earlier, you will have to spend an additional of 2-4 hours a day in exchange of more money~ ~ perhaps this can be done by taking up some part time jobs like~ giving off tuition~ with the extra income you’ve earned, you may be enjoying the quality of life ~ however, do you wish to lose everything you’ve earned from all your hard work overnight? ~of course not! ~ And that is when you’re looking for a sense of security in life~ in fact, you’ll even start to invest~ or~ start purchasing insurance~ to comfort yourselves~
Nevertheless~ you still ought to face 2 gigantic economic monsters~1~a Poisonous Cobra = Economy Crisis + 2~ a Fearful Beast= Inflation~~so, do you have any ways of beating them?
But if you’re below the age of 20 or above the age of 60~ then there’s no need to worry~ because whatever that happens in the economical and social world has got nothing to do with you~ so you don’t have to worry about the arrival of The Great Depression~ or The Financial Crisis~ or The Stock Market Crashes and lead to the bankruptcy of many huge companies and~ business failure follow by a large layoffs~~yet, if you’re in the range of 20-60 years old~within 40 years, how many times of economic crisis do you think you’ll face? ~how many times will you be thrown out of a company?
If you’re being laid off from work at the age of 30, you’ll most probably have the ability to stand up from that setback and start off again~ … but what if you’re asked to leave the company at the age of 40 when you are already at a high managing position?~ at 40 years old, you’ll probably have a bamboo tick on your shoulders ~with a huge bucket hanging at both its’ ends ~the 1st bucket will be you parent’s (who are at that time 60years old) medical fees~the 2nd bucket will be you children’s(age20) tuition fees~ these are the expenses which its’ fees will only increases and~ never goes down~~… not to forget about your family’s monthly expenses~ and the debts + mortgages + loans~on your car, house, insurance……..and the list goes on~
Yet, we humans have only 2 choices in life~ we either work for others~ or~ start up a business~ for the employees, when The Great Depression strikes~ they’re forced to face the big layoffs~ and are powerless against these disastrous happenings~ of course~ the employers/business owners, shouldn’t expect to face anything less than the employees~ as their business volumes will most probably decrease under such critical crisis ~ it is impossible to control the market at this time~ ~Since fresh graduates will sooner or later face these 2 monsters, and are unable to run away from them, so what’s the difference between the fresh graduates and their parents?~ they’re all stuck in the 2nd level of the hierarchy pyramid~ “security”~ with no escape ~ NO WAY OUT~ therefore, it’s pointless to talk about the higher levels of the Hierarchy Pyramid~
The hierarchy of human’s needs of Maslow’s Law did not include~ the desire to live a better lifestyle~( It’s actually added by me—and I named it~ S.W.LAW )
Back in those days, I encourage the intellectuals to continue on their 9 to 5 jobs/ studies~while converting ~the 2-4 hours which were used to create extra income for better lifestyle ~ into the opportunity offered by AMWAY Private Franchising Business`~ to slowly build up a Passive Income~~~that includes, a monthly performance bonus of 3%-21%~ earning from RM30.00 – RM4-5000.00~ which can provide us a better living quality~
So~How can we overcome The Great Depression through AMWAY Private Franchising Business and by pass the 2nd level of the Hierarchy Pyramid~ “Security”?
The answer lies in this term called~The “White Petroleum”~which means our daily necessities~ for example~ body wash, detergent, laundry, toothpaste, etc (white petroleum= a metaphor describing a substance/compound which produces White foam when reacted with water)~Besides, AMWAY Private Franchising Business also provide us with a 4% leadership bonus/passive income~ that will free you from all unnecessary worries~
Next, we’ll talk about the 3rd and 4th level of the hierarchy pyramid~ “Love and belonging” ~ “A sense of Respect”
When you’ve successfully build up the AMWAY Private Franchising Business up to a level called, Diamond, with the help of the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of a proven system, BWW~ you’ll be recognised and invited on an international stage provided by BWW and~ you’ll be given an opportunity to speak in stage~ through your own words~ your very own story~ you’ll be able to touch more lives~ and help many more to succeed~ your speech will put you in fame~ and thus, gives you a sense of respect from others~
When you reach a level called, The Crown Ambassador through the SOP provided by BWW,~ you’ll receive an annual bonus that exceed a million ringgit~ and can reach up to billions~ this amount of money can definitely full fill the highest level of the Hierarchy Pyramid~ “ Realising your Dreams”~ where all your dreams can come true~ with this, you’ll have no regrets in life~
In 1988, I analysed the potential and the future of AMWAY Private Franchising Business’s market with wisdom and a great vision~~the result came out to be just as I’d though~ by investing RM63.oo into the business back then~ which I had had a loss on the bank’s 3% interest (for withdrawing the money out from the bank)~ and in 2011, my business turnover has reach up to a total of 250million ringgit~
My business is the best evidence and it has overcome the Economy Crisis (E.C) in year 1997 and year2008~ with no loss~ only increment ~
In year 2008 (E.C) ~ my business volume reach up to RM176million
In year 2009~ RM206.53million
In year 2010~ RM217.34million
In year 2011~ RM250million
The result matches my prediction done by my research~ analysis ~judgment~ and decision~
the 2nd level in Maslow’s Law Hierarchy of Human Needs~ “Security”~ has stopped many of them who are still working/own a business from proceeding into the next level~ even some entrepreneurs are stuck in this level~ ~ I’ve escape this tragedy~ and I’m on my way towards ownership of “the love and belonging” and “a sense of respect”~
I’m grateful that I was able to think out of the box~
I’m grateful that I did not study much~ didn’t have a sickness called “analysis paralysis”~
I’m grateful that the world presented such a wonderful business opportunity to me~ that allowed me to start up with a small capital
I’m grateful that I have a group of dreamers who share the same vision and grab this awesome opportunity~
I’m grateful that I after retiring for 21 years~ I’m able to make good use of the high technological tool for better communication~ Facebook
I’m grateful that BWW has a fantastic SOP and SOEP (Standard Order Education Program)I’m grateful that god gave me the best out of my life and also a wise+ wealthy mentor
I’m grateful that when I was ready to fight again, I was given a new batch of dream fighters~ who are caring and loving~ I love you all~
Add oil~ if I can achieve the best~ you allcan do it too~~//
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Thursday, May 10, 2012
"The Chicken and The Eagle Story" by Dr. Eldon Taylor
You're an Eagle! Spread your wings and soar into the heights beyond limitation~
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
可是却有不少朋友,自己没有时间打理,却拼命投资去开咖啡馆,开 餐厅,开自己根本不懂的公司,火烧屁股一样急着把辛苦积攒的积蓄 花掉,去当一个稀里糊涂的投资人。
亏的总是比赚的多,却觉得自己 是因为运气不好,而不是想法出了问题。
然而我们却常说,等我老了,要去环游世界;等我退休,就要去做想 做的事情;等孩子长大了,我就可以……
我们都以为自己有无限的时间与精力。其实我们可以一步一步实现理 想,不必在等待中徒耗生命。
如果现在就能一步一步努力接近,我们 就不会活了半生,却出现自己最不想看到的结局。
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